Last update: 8 April 2019
Mouseville issue 2: A brief history of Mouseville and a reassurance for the reader wishing to visit this extraordinary place. The Universal Rights of Mouseville and All of Those in It, adopted in the year 1864, says in clause 1 (indeed the first clause!) “Thou shall not eat thy neighbour.” Indeed, if you want to do business you should not be eating your customers, and certainly not at first sight!
It is useful and illuminating, dear reader, now that you have met Scary and Flashy Mouse, to get to know the place they live in and the kind of society they are part of.
Mouseville was not founded by a mouse, as you might perhaps think. Neither is Mouseville only for mice. The founding father of Mouseville was Moose de Villiers. Moose, sometimes called elks, belong to the deer family and are amongst its largest members, like the reindeer or eland. Moose de Villiers was a traveller, explorer and writer. His most famous book is titled “The Moose Who Came in out of the Cold.” In this classic he describes his daring trek from the North American polar region via the Bering street all the way to Scandinavia and then down south to Faunia and its temperate climate. “I hated the cold,” he says in this book, “and simply was looking for warmer pastures.”
Moose, as far as moose go, was small. His friends teasingly called him Moose the Mouse, or just Mouse, and his estate came to be known as Mouseville. It is the old heart of modern Mouseville. The manor now is the city hall; part of its former moat is The Great Pond; and Animal Park once was the meadow where Moose liked to walk about and do his grazing.
The inhabitants of Mouseville are known as Mousevilliers, or, briefly, Villiers. They do not like it if you pronounce Villiers as villeers. Say something like “viljay”, pronouncing the “j” as in yoyo, and you’ll be good buddies with them.
Mouseville is located at the junction of the Great North Road and the Great East Road. The settlement developed into a bustling trading centre. Its most prominent inhabitants are a dozen old merchant families. The Mousevilliers, because of the trading business, had learned to deal with animals of all sorts. Mouseville had gained a reputation in Greater Faunia for tolerance and inter-animal-peaceful-coexistence. The latter had not come easy. Put a cat next to a mouse and the cat naturally shall say: “Hi, good to see you for breakfast,” and not “Good morning brother mouse, let the day bring many blessings to you, your family and a long life.” Cats tend to shorten the life of a mouse. On the other hand, if you want to do business you should not be eating your customers, and certainly not at first sight. Some animals, despite all the emphasis on animal pluralism – as this thing of living together of all sorts of animal species sometimes is called - are out of bounds in Mouseville and Mouseville county. All the big cats are out. The business of putting a lion next to a sheep did not work in Mouseville, as far as the sheep are concerned. Same with the big sharks. There is no way a shark can say no to the carps that rightly made The Great Pond of Animal Park a major tourist attraction. Same with crocodiles. Elephants, rhino’s and hippo’s require special permits – they simply do not fit in the Mouseville scale of things. All these animals, by the Mousevilliers, are considered Wild Life, and should spend their time in appropriate territories.
The adoption of The Universal Rights of Mouseville and All of Those in It of 1864 is a milestone in the history of Mouseville. It is both declaration and legislation; and made the consumption of one Mouseville citizen by another a crime. The profound preamble of the Universal Rights became world famous. “Animal is born free, and everywhere he lives in fear and fetters. One animal thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are.” In the same year Vivere et Vivera, “Live and let Live,” became the motto of Mouseville county.
Animal Park, usually just called The Park, is a favourite place for the Mousevilliers to relax and socialise. In the middle of The Great Pond, usually just called The Pond, is a tiny island and on that island is the famous statue of Moose de Villiers. It had been constructed by the great Rodin who, in this fine piece of marble, presents Moose having a Janus head: one head facing north where his origins lay; the other head facing south where his desires had been.
The Park has two fine restaurant/snack bars. One is Hank’s Fish & Dish, the other Hubert’s Cheese Palace. Needles to say that cats prefer the Fish & Dish and mice the Cheese Palace. Both eating places are at opposite sides of The Pond, and that makes very good sense, just in case cats would forget The Declaration of the Universal Rights of Mouseville and All of Those in It; and especially the clause that says: “Thou shall not eat thy neighbour.”
This famous clause, which sets Mouseville apart from life in the wild, and indeed is the foundation of its civilisation, did have a curious effect on the social geography of the town. Cats, for example, do not live next to mice. Cats, and in particular its mean members (of which Ugly Black Cat or U.B.C. is the meanest), would wink at each other and whisper: “Mice are not my neighbours!” Ignoring, of course, clause 2 of the same very Universal Rights which says: “Al creatures of Mouseville are thy neighbours and thou shall respect them.”
* * *
In the next episode you’ll see a horrifying example that shows how thin the artificial skin of civilisation can be. Fortunately, dear reader, the same story also shows that, in the end, Good prevails over Bad; or should I say Ugliness?
Mouseville issue 2: A brief history of Mouseville and a reassurance for the reader wishing to visit this extraordinary place. The Universal Rights of Mouseville and All of Those in It, adopted in the year 1864, says in clause 1 (indeed the first clause!) “Thou shall not eat thy neighbour.” Indeed, if you want to do business you should not be eating your customers, and certainly not at first sight!
It is useful and illuminating, dear reader, now that you have met Scary and Flashy Mouse, to get to know the place they live in and the kind of society they are part of.
Mouseville was not founded by a mouse, as you might perhaps think. Neither is Mouseville only for mice. The founding father of Mouseville was Moose de Villiers. Moose, sometimes called elks, belong to the deer family and are amongst its largest members, like the reindeer or eland. Moose de Villiers was a traveller, explorer and writer. His most famous book is titled “The Moose Who Came in out of the Cold.” In this classic he describes his daring trek from the North American polar region via the Bering street all the way to Scandinavia and then down south to Faunia and its temperate climate. “I hated the cold,” he says in this book, “and simply was looking for warmer pastures.”
Moose, as far as moose go, was small. His friends teasingly called him Moose the Mouse, or just Mouse, and his estate came to be known as Mouseville. It is the old heart of modern Mouseville. The manor now is the city hall; part of its former moat is The Great Pond; and Animal Park once was the meadow where Moose liked to walk about and do his grazing.
The inhabitants of Mouseville are known as Mousevilliers, or, briefly, Villiers. They do not like it if you pronounce Villiers as villeers. Say something like “viljay”, pronouncing the “j” as in yoyo, and you’ll be good buddies with them.
Mouseville is located at the junction of the Great North Road and the Great East Road. The settlement developed into a bustling trading centre. Its most prominent inhabitants are a dozen old merchant families. The Mousevilliers, because of the trading business, had learned to deal with animals of all sorts. Mouseville had gained a reputation in Greater Faunia for tolerance and inter-animal-peaceful-coexistence. The latter had not come easy. Put a cat next to a mouse and the cat naturally shall say: “Hi, good to see you for breakfast,” and not “Good morning brother mouse, let the day bring many blessings to you, your family and a long life.” Cats tend to shorten the life of a mouse. On the other hand, if you want to do business you should not be eating your customers, and certainly not at first sight. Some animals, despite all the emphasis on animal pluralism – as this thing of living together of all sorts of animal species sometimes is called - are out of bounds in Mouseville and Mouseville county. All the big cats are out. The business of putting a lion next to a sheep did not work in Mouseville, as far as the sheep are concerned. Same with the big sharks. There is no way a shark can say no to the carps that rightly made The Great Pond of Animal Park a major tourist attraction. Same with crocodiles. Elephants, rhino’s and hippo’s require special permits – they simply do not fit in the Mouseville scale of things. All these animals, by the Mousevilliers, are considered Wild Life, and should spend their time in appropriate territories.
The adoption of The Universal Rights of Mouseville and All of Those in It of 1864 is a milestone in the history of Mouseville. It is both declaration and legislation; and made the consumption of one Mouseville citizen by another a crime. The profound preamble of the Universal Rights became world famous. “Animal is born free, and everywhere he lives in fear and fetters. One animal thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are.” In the same year Vivere et Vivera, “Live and let Live,” became the motto of Mouseville county.
Animal Park, usually just called The Park, is a favourite place for the Mousevilliers to relax and socialise. In the middle of The Great Pond, usually just called The Pond, is a tiny island and on that island is the famous statue of Moose de Villiers. It had been constructed by the great Rodin who, in this fine piece of marble, presents Moose having a Janus head: one head facing north where his origins lay; the other head facing south where his desires had been.
The Park has two fine restaurant/snack bars. One is Hank’s Fish & Dish, the other Hubert’s Cheese Palace. Needles to say that cats prefer the Fish & Dish and mice the Cheese Palace. Both eating places are at opposite sides of The Pond, and that makes very good sense, just in case cats would forget The Declaration of the Universal Rights of Mouseville and All of Those in It; and especially the clause that says: “Thou shall not eat thy neighbour.”
This famous clause, which sets Mouseville apart from life in the wild, and indeed is the foundation of its civilisation, did have a curious effect on the social geography of the town. Cats, for example, do not live next to mice. Cats, and in particular its mean members (of which Ugly Black Cat or U.B.C. is the meanest), would wink at each other and whisper: “Mice are not my neighbours!” Ignoring, of course, clause 2 of the same very Universal Rights which says: “Al creatures of Mouseville are thy neighbours and thou shall respect them.”
* * *
In the next episode you’ll see a horrifying example that shows how thin the artificial skin of civilisation can be. Fortunately, dear reader, the same story also shows that, in the end, Good prevails over Bad; or should I say Ugliness?